Bookbinding Etsy Street Team

1. KarleighJae :: Leather lambskin journal
2. MyHandboundBooks :: Teal suede leather diary
3. anticovalore :: Mini book earrings with green leather
4. greenchairpress :: Walking: original artist book
I recently joined the Bookbinding Etsy Street Team, also known as BEST. The team is a community of Etsy sellers who make handbound books, and I'm excited to join these talented book artists. I'm especially looking forward to their upcoming collaborative book project and the next book swap in May.

You can view the team's blog right here (or by clicking the "Etsy Bookbinders" link on the left side of my blog). The blog is definitely worth checking out; it includes interviews with featured sellers, bookmaking tutorials, books from the book swaps, and more. BEST is also on facebook, and to find books made by BEST members you can search "bookbindingteam" on Etsy.

I've been browsing through all the Etsy shops of BEST members, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite books here. There is such a fantastic variety of styles and materials, and it's inspiring to see what others are making. And the four images below all show books made from found objects: game boards, cigar boxes, paint samples, and beer boxes all repurposed into book covers. Very cool!

5. BooksByStephen :: Upcycled Sorry game journal
6. odelae :: Vintage cigar box journals
7. Re:Paper :: Custom beer box books
8. itsalljustmenagerie :: Paint swatch mini journals

9. windyweatherbindery :: Book with yellow green diamonds
10. GHBooks :: Blank book with purple shimmering paisleys
11. buechertiger :: Green, gold, and black leather journal
12. PrairiePeasant :: Moonlight Snow accordion book

13. MaryJaneHenley :: Mesquite wood and rattlesnake book
14. WeeBindery :: Orange leather journal with jade button
15. parksideharmony :: Italian paper guest book
16. PurplebeanBindery :: Striped buttonhole blank journal