My newest handbound books

These photos show the newest books that I have been making over the past few weeks. Some are hard-bound, some have soft covers, and others are made with leather covers. All of these mini books are about 2.5" x 3.5" in size.

The thin books on the left side of the photo above are made entirely from paper (no glue or thread necessary) and the interior pages unfold like an accordion. The red book in the lower right of the photo has a suede cover and the name of the binding style is Italian Long Stitch. All of the other books are Coptic style. These are two of my favorite binding techniques because the stitching is expose and serves as a decorative, as well as structural, element.

Tony and I bought some clementines right before New Years Eve. Now that the fruit is long gone, the wooden crate they came in is perfect for toting my books and supplies to and from my workspace.